Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lesson 4: Place Vocabulary

In this vocabulary lesson, I will teach the words for common places that RPGs have and words that are useful learning where you are suppose to go.

The words will be listed in the same way as in lesson one: Kanji, Kana, English, Notes.

-- ある To exist; to have Group 1 verb. Used only with inanimate object
-- いる To exist; to have Group 2 verb. Used only with animate object
行く いく To go Group 1 verb
来る くる To come Irregular verb
-- わかる To understand Group 1 verb

砂漠 さばく A desert
森 もり A forest
町 まち A town
村 むら A village
鉱山 こうざん A mine
山 やま A mountain
都市 とし A city
神殿 しんでん A shrine
洞窟 どうくつ A cave
東 ひがし The east
西 にし The west
北 きた The north
南 みなみ The south
城 しろ A castle
国 くに A country
宮殿 きゅうでん A palace
教会 きょうかい A church
塔 とう A tower
島 しま An island
山道 やまみち A mountain path
地下室 ちかしつ A basement
道 みち A road
湖 みずうみ A lake
王国 おうこく A kingdom
川 かわ A river
火山 かざん A volcano
家 いえ A house
壁 かべ A wall
沼 ぬま A swamp
遺跡 いせき Ruins

-湖 -こ Lake ... A suffix to mark a lake
-山 -さん Mt. ... A suffix to mark a mountain

With these words, you should be able to find out where you are suppose to go next in most RPGs.


Monday, December 04, 2006

Exercises for Lesson 2

This post contains some exercises to help you practice conjugating verbs into the the polite present tense.

The first group of exercises will let you practice conjugating Group 1 verbs, Group 2 verbs, and the irregular verbs into the polite present tense. The second group of exercises will have you conjugating verbs back from the polite present tense into the dictionary form. For all of the verbs in the exercises, I will list the verbs in this order: # of the question, Kanji, Kana, English, Verb Group. The answers for all of the exercises will be at the bottom of the post.

In this first set of verbs, you will conjugate the verbs into their ます-stem then into to their polite present tense. If a verb does not have a ます-stem, just conjugate it into it's polite present tense.

1. 買う かう To buy Group 1
2. -- する To do Irregular
3. 消す けす To delete Group 1
4. 始める はじめる To begin Group 2
5. 続く  つづく To continue Group 1
6. 捨てる すてる To discard Group 2
7. 呼ぶ よぶ To call Group 1
8. 来る くる To come Irregular
9. 立つ たつ To stand Group 1
10. 泳ぐ およぐ To swim Group 1
11. -- やめる To stop Group 2
12. 売る うる To sell Group 1
13. 死ぬ しぬ To die Group 1
14. -- だ To be Irregular
15. 盗む ぬすむ To steal Group 1

In this next set of verbs, I will list the verbs in the same way as above, but instead of listing the verbs in their dictionary forms I will list them in their polite present tense because you will be conjugating the verbs back into their dictionary forms.

1. 使います つかいます To use Group 1
2. 写します うつします To copy Group 1
3. 行きます いきます To go Group 1
4. します します To do Irregular
5. 開けます あけます To open Group 2
6. 来ます きます To come Irregular
7. 寝ます ねます To come Group 2
8. 光ります ひかります To shine Group 1
9. 待ちます まちます To wait Group 1
10. 選びます えらびます To choose Group 1
11. -- です To be Irregular

This is the end of the exercises. The answers to all of these exercise problems are below.


Answers for the first set of verbs (highlight to see):

1. 買い(かい)→買います(かいます)
2. し→します
3. 消し(けし)→消します(けします)
4. 始め(はじめ)→始めます(はじめます)
5. 続き(つづき)→続きます(つづきます)
6. 捨て(すて)→捨てます(すてます)
7. 呼び(よび)→呼びます(よびます)
8. 来(き)→来ます(きます)
9. 立ち(たち)→立ちます(たちます)
10. 泳ぎ(およぎ)→泳ぎます(およぎます)
11. やめ→やめます
12. 売り(うり)→売ります(うります)
13. 死に(しに)→死にます(しにます)
14. です
15. 盗み(ぬすみ)→盗みます(ぬすみます)

Answer to the second set of verbs (highlight to see):

1. 使う(つかう)
2. 写す(うつす)
3. 行く(いく)

4. する
5. 開ける(あける
6. 来る(くる)
7. 寝る(ねる)

8. 光る(ひかる)
9. 待つ(まつ)
10. 選ぶ(えらぶ)