Friday, October 20, 2006

Lesson 1: Basic Vocabulary

In this lesson we'll learn some basic words that are useful when playing RPGs.

The word format will be as so: Kanji, Kana, English, notes. If the word does not have a kanji, it will have two dashes in the place of a kanji. Some of the words may have notes that may not mean much right now but will mean more once you get to some of the later lessons. Here are two example words one with a kanji and one without a kanji:

剣 けん Sword You do not have to learn this word
-- りんご Apple You do not have to learn this word either

I am now going to start showing the word that you will be learning.

Common Words:

-- はい Yes
-- いいえ No

-- する To do More on this word in a later lesson

Main Menu:
-- ニューゲーム New Game
-- コンティニュー Continue
-- ロード Load する-noun
設定 せってい Option
終了 しゅうりょう Quit する-noun
続く つづく To continue Group 1 verb
消す けす To delete Group 1 verb
始める はじめる To begin Group 2 verb
写す うつす To copy Group 1 verb

Game Menu:
-- セーブ Save する-noun
-- アイテム Item
-- レベル Level
魔法 まほう Magic
命中 めいちゅう A hit The same hit as in "hit percent"
防御 ぼうぎょ Defence する-noun
攻撃 こうげき An attack する-noun
力 ちから Power
経験値 けいけんち Experience point
ー力 ーりょく - power A suffix
使う つかう To use Group 1 verb
捨てる すてる To discard Group 2 verb
話す はなす To talk Group 1 verb

手に入れる てにいれる To acquire Group 2 verb

戦う たたかう To fight Group 1 verb
逃げる にげる To run away Group 2 verb
受ける うける To receive Group 2 verb
与える あたえる To deal Group 2 verb

At the store:
買う かう To buy Group 1 verb
売る うる To sell Group 1 verb
-- やめる To stop Group 2 verb

That's all of the basic words. If you think I'm missing a word or have an idea for a later lesson either write me at or leave a comment.


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